Schloss Gracht, Erfstadt, Germany
A former moated castle near Cologne now serves as an exclusive clinic for psychotherapy. A harmonious ambience that combines modern design with classic elegance.

Schloss Gracht, a historic castle in the German town of Erftstadt-Liblar near Cologne, has a history dating back to at least 1433. Today the castle, with its original moat and large gardens, has been transformed into an exclusive private clinic. Cologne-based Interior designer Sylvia Leydecker sought to create a calming and comfortable atmosphere for patients seeking treatment for stress. Modern designs sit in sumptuous rooms that feature fine stucco details and herringbone parquet.

In the treatment rooms too, extravagant architecture is balanced by classic shapes, such as our 375 chair. Utmost attention to comfort, together with a soothing light and color concept, completes the picture. There is now a relaxed, harmonious atmosphere within these historical walls, which is said to have a beneficial effect on the recovery of the patients.